The Wild Horse Conspiracy


January 14th, 2015. Wonderful YouTube explaining the rock-hard evidence for the ancient and long-standing presence and belonging of the horse in North America!

Follow the link above to watch the video.

January 8th, 2015. Read Craig’s letter to the Project Lead and field Manager of the South Jiggs Complex, Nevada, Environmental Assessment

Follow the link above to read to read Craig’s letter on our Facebook page

January 2nd, 2015. Read Craig’s latest article

Craig has just written an article for Protect Mustangs. Follow the link above to read: Concern for Montgomery Pass Wild Horse Territory (Inyo National Forest, CA) and Marietta Wild Burro Range (Bureau of Land Management, Carson City District Office, NV) and for Wild Horses and Burros Everywhere

December 2nd, 2014. It’s #Giving Tuesday!

Craig Downer and Anne Novak’s organizations need help with car repairs to keep moving forward for the wild horses. Read, donate and share the fundraiser. Follow the #Giving Tuesday link above. Thank you!

Wild Horses Could Replace Fire by Samantha-Jo Harris of The Armidale Express
October 31, 2014
During his trip to Australia, Wildlife Ecologist Craig Downer was interviewed by Samantha-Jo Harris from The Armidale Express.

Craig Downer to Lecture at the Gold Hill Hotel August 12
August 10, 2014
Wildlife ecologist Craig Downer will be be lecturing at the Gold Hill Hotel in Virginia City, NV on August 12 to bring attention to the plight of wild horses and burros.

Reproductive Experiments on Colorado’s Sand Wash Basin Wild Horse Herd Proposed
June 28, 2014
The Bureau of Land Management plans to experiment on mares and stallions in the Sand Wash Basin herd in Colorado with invasive sterilization techniques, including permanent chemical sterilization of stallions.

One Hundred More Wild Horses Being Removed from Herd Area in Nevada
June 24, 2014
The Bureau of Land Management has begun removing 100 of the 282 wild horses in the Humboldt Herd Area in Nevada and plans to make the animals available for adoption at the Palomino Valley Center near Reno.

Craig Downer to Appear at Western States Horse Expo June 13 – 15
June 11, 2014
Wildlife ecologist Craig Downer will be be participating in the Western States Horse Expo from Friday, June 13 to Sunday, June 15 to bring attention to the plight of wild horses and burros.

Craig Downer to be Interviewed on Radio on May 3rd
May 1, 2014
Wildlife ecologist Craig Downer will be interviewed on Vicarious Traveler on Saturday, May 3rd from 9 AM to 10 AM PDT to discuss wild horses and burros, their value, their plight and what can be done to help them.

Federal Grazing Program in Bundy Dispute Rips-Off Taxpayers, Wild Horses
April 25, 2014
Armed individuals chased off Bureau of Land Management officials when they tried to seize cows being illegally grazed on federal lands by controversial figure Cliven Bundy.

Feds Draw Criticism for Selling Wyoming Horses for Slaughter
April 20, 2014
The Bureau of Land Management recently rounded up a horse herd that had roamed for decades on federal land in northwest Wyoming and handed the horses over to Wyoming officials who sold them to a Canadian slaughterhouse.

Wild Horses Targeted for Roundup in Utah Rangeland Clash
April 13, 2014
County officials in Utah concerned about the destruction of federal rangeland that ranchers use to graze cattle have started a bid to round up federally protected wild horses they blame for the problem.

Wild for Life Foundation Charity – Spring Benefit and Wine-Tasting Reception
March 27, 2014
A wine-tasting reception to benefit the Wild for Life Foundation Charity Equine Sanctuary and Wellness Center will be held on Saturday, March 29th. Craig Downer, author of The Wild Horse Conspiracy, will be in attendance.

Federal Government Budgets Millions for Roundups and Sterilization of Wild Horses and Burros
February 8, 2014
The Bureau of Land Management has announced that it intends to spend $12 million on roundups and $1.5 million on sterilization of wild horses and burros.

Federal Government Seeking Suggestions on How to Manage Wild Horse Overpopulation
January 27, 2014
The Bureau of Land Management has invited individuals who have ideas for addressing wild horse overpopulation to submit them.

Plan for Virtual Elimination of One of California’s Last Remaining Wild Horse Herds Unveiled
November 13, 2013
The Bureau of Land Management has announced a plan to reduce the size of the Massacre Lakes wild horse herd from 200 to only 25 — a biologically unsustainable number.

On Wild Horses, the Secretary of the Interior Needs to Listen to the Scientists
November 4, 2013
Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell recently made her first extended public comments on the status of wild horses.

Wild Horses Shot and Killed in Central Oregon
October 22, 2013
Wild horses were shot and killed in Crook County, and investigators are trying to track down who did it.

Livestock Grazing is Ended on Over 130,000 Acres of Public Lands in Southwest Idaho
October 11, 2013
The Sagebrush Habitat Conservation Fund has completed the permanent retirement from livestock grazing of more than 130,000 acres of public land in the former 45 and Tent Creek grazing allotments in Owyhee County, Idaho.

Government Shutdown Sparks Concern for Palomino Valley Wild Horses
October 3, 2013
There have been numerous calls about the well-being of the horses at the Bureau of Land Management’s horse-holding facility in Palomino Valley.

Are Nevada’s Wild Horses Headed for Slaughterhouses?
October 1, 2013
The Fish and Wildlife Service and the Bureau of Land Management have planned another roundup and sale of Nevada’s wild horses — a move that may place these animals in the hands of “kill” buyers who sell horses to slaughterhouses.

Wild Horse Chaos, Thanks to Obama
August 20, 2013
Unwanted by members of a Native American tribe living near them and quietly delivered up by federal agents who wanted to make room for grazing livestock, more than 460 wild horses were rounded up and shipped late last week to a public auction known for attracting “kill buyers” looking to fill slaughter plants in Canada and Mexico.

Wild Horses Released in Western Iberia Rewilding Area
July 31, 2013
A herd of 24 Retuerta horses from the Doñana biological station in southern Spain have been released in the Campanarios de Azaba reserve.

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"The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for whites or women for men."

- Alice Walker

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