The Wild Horse Conspiracy


Smoking Harms Animals
How Smoking Harms Animals – From Second-Hand Smoke to Animal Testing

American Wild Horse Institute
American Wild Horse Institute is devoted to preserving, studying and educating the public about American wild horses

Protect Mustangs
Protect Mustangs is a 501c3 nonprofit organization who protects and preserves native and wild horses.

Friends of Animals
Friends of Animals is a non-profit, international animal advocacy organization.

Love of Horses
Together we can create survival and freedom, for America’s legacy, native wild horses & burros.
Craig Downer is the consulting Wildlife Ecologist for Love of Horses.
Our Wildlife: Smoking’s Impact on Nature
The disruption of an ecosystem due to cigarettes can have disastrous results, which can be far reaching. Nature depends on us, the decisions we make, and our ability to come together.

New Edition of The Wild Horse Conspiracy Published
August 15, 2014
A new edition of The Wild Horse Conspiracy by wildlife ecologist Craig Downer has been published. The new edition “offers wild horse and burro advocates a valuable resource for confronting misinformation campaigns against the national heritage species.”

Vickery Eckoff Reports on Industry’s Influence on Federal Lands and Wild Horses and Burros
June 23, 2014
Investigative journalist Vickery Eckoff describes how industry and other competing interests are having profound effects on federal lands in the American West and placing wild horses and burros at risk.

Bible Springs Wild Horse Complex Gather Plan Environmental Assessment – Input from Wildlife Ecologist
May 29, 2014
Wildlife ecologist Craig C. Downer offers input about a Bureau of Land Management plan to reduce excessively the wild horse population in four Legal Areas near Cedar City in southern Utah. This herd preserves substantial Spanish mustang heritage.

Statement to National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board
April 14, 2014
Wildlife ecologist Craig C. Downer offers testimony about the state of America’s wild horses and burros to the National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board.

Biostatistician Questions BLM on Major Wild Horse Reductions
March 31, 2014
A Carnegie-Mellon University biostatistician examines the Bureau of Land Management’s use of claims of drought and overpopulation to justify drastic wild horse herd reductions throughout the West.

Twin Peaks Wild Horse and Burro Herd Management Area Aerial Population Survey
February 13, 2014
A recent independent survey of wild horses and burros conducted in the Twin Peaks Herd Management Area found their populations to be at very significant risk.

The Horse and Burro as Positively Contributing Returned Natives in North America
January 30, 2014
Fossil, genetic and archeological evidence and evaluation of ecological niches indicate that horses and burros are North America natives that act as restorers of ecosystems.

Difference of Opinion on the Future of the Pine Nut Range’s Forests and Mustangs
November 27, 2013
The Bureau of Land Management’s targeting of the Pinyon-Juniper woodlands in western Nevada’s Pine Nut Range is criticized.

Twin Peaks, New Ravendale, Buckhorn and Coppersmith Wild Horse and Burro Herd Management Areas Survey
October 26, 2013
A recent independent survey of wild horses and burros conducted in Herd Management Areas in California found few of the animals — in contradiction to claims of “excess wild horses and burros” in the Areas made by the Bureau of Land Management.

BLM Public Lands Grazing Accounts for Only 0.41% of Nation’s Livestock Receipts
August 16, 2013
The recently released Department of Interior Fiscal Year 2012 Economic Report shows that grazing on Bureau of Land Management public lands accounts for only 0.41 percent of the nation’s livestock receipts and only about 17,000 jobs.

On Wyoming’s Range, Water is Scarce but Welfare is Plenty
July 9, 2013
Western ranchers, who frequently receive vast discounts on public grazing fees, are angry about having to share space with America’s wild horses.

DiscloseTruth Craig Downer Interview
April 15, 2013
Wildlife ecologist Craig Downer discusses the status of America’s wild horses and burros.

How the Department of the Interior Sold Out America’s Wild Horses
March 21, 2013
A federal judge in Wyoming is reviewing a dubious agreement between local ranchers and the Bureau of Land Management that would eliminate millions of acres of wild horse habitat.

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