The Wild Horse Conspiracy

What You Can Do

Make a donation
Providing financial support will enable us to continue working to help wild horses and burros.

Sign up to receive our Action Alerts
Our Action Alerts provide information about what you can do to help.

The Wild Horse Conspiracy

Purchase a copy of The Wild Horse Conspiracy
The book delves into the history, evolution and ecology of wild horses and burros. It also conveys the author’s personal experiences over his lifetime of observing and defending these magnificent animals and outlines a viable, scientifically based alternative to the roundups currently being conducted.

Autographed copies are available — contact us if you would like one.

Setup an engagement with Craig Downer
Wildlife ecologist Craig Downer, the author of The Wild Horse Conspiracy, is available to speak, provide an article or participate in an interview. Contact us if you are interested.

Sign the online petition to stop excessive roundups
There is an online petition calling for an end to excessive roundups of wild horses and burros. A copy of the petition is sent to the President and members of Congress each time it is signed.

Support other wild horse and burro advocacy groups
The International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros and Wild for Life Foundationare among the other organizations working to protect wild horses and burros.

Spread the word
Let others know about the plight of wild horses and burros through social media and word of mouth.

Support Our Work

Make a tax-deductible contribution to the Wild Horse and Burro Fund so that we can continue conducting research, education and outreach.

Get Involved

Sign up to receive our Action Alerts.

Purchase a copy of The Wild Horse Conspiracy by Craig Downer.

Watch Craig Downer discuss the book and his reasons for writing it.

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"If man is not to stifle human feelings, he must practice kindness to animals, for he who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals."

- Immanuel Kant

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