The Wild Horse Conspiracy

Situation in Wyoming with wild horses, precarious!

Re: Excellent article that exposes the gross hypocrisy of our public officials when they say they  are obeying the Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act. I would like to point out that in terms of absolute acreages, Wyoming zeroed out more acres already than any other state, nearly 6 million acres! Next to Wyoming is Nevada, which has zeroed out just slightly less than Wyoming. Then comes California in third place, that has zeroed out ca. 4 and a half million acres. If Wyoming goes ahead with zeroing out 40% of the acreages that still have wild horses, this will be utterly damnable! I travelled through Wyoming on Memorial Day Weekend this year and say how the Interstate museum on Wyoming and the I-80 route had an exhibit from the state tauting its wild horses as a great tourist attraction. Another big show that disguises the hypocrisy of the political regime here. I also went into Adobe Town, and saw some of the few colorful wild horse bands, amid many energy extraction platforms. I was followed by one of the trucks of these companies, as though I were the misfit rather than they. How twisted can you get.  Please consider reading my book The Wild Horse Conspiracy, as I go into considerable depth on this and related issues, and enlightenment is the best and only lasting way to bring justice back to life here.

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