Glowing recommendation of The Wild Horse Conspiracy from famous best selling author and producer of Benji films: Joe Camp.
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Feliz Navidad, Joyeuse Noel, etc. Please consider getting my book The Wild Horse Conspiracy for a gift or just for yourself, or perhaps for a library or school. Here is what Joe Camp author of Born Wild: The soul of a horse, has to say about my book: “This is the very best book I’ve ever read on the history, science, and plight of America’s Wild Horses. I wish everyone in the country would read it!” This is taken from page 221 of his book, also a fine present. Snowing here and cold, Love it! Pray the wild horses and burros and all horses and burros will have a much better life in the future and enjoy the natural freedom and land they deserve and so positively contribute to.